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顾连胜 《地震工程学报》2018,40(6):1350-1355
为提高受灾地区重建安全性,提出基于ARIO模型的震后重建施工现场安全管理方法。在将建筑设计影响因素划分为直接因素与间接因素的基础上,将ARIO模型引入震后重建施工现场安全管理中,利用其分析施工过程中各产业技术与该地区经济的联系,在考虑经济因素的基础上实现震后施工现场安全管理。设计并构建施工初期数据采集系统、施工前安全管理系统、施工过程中安全管理系统,将ARIO与VR结合,使各系统运行时施工人员能够在虚拟漫游中以第一视角完成虚拟施工,掌握整个工期、流程、所用设备等有关信息,并由辅助专家作出相应指导,实现震后重建施工现场安全系统化管理。提出施工安全辅助建议,以完善灾后重建安全管理方法。实验结果表明,该方法运行后安全系数大于当前方法,其科学性和鲁棒性较强。  相似文献   
震后建筑进度BIM估计模型改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
传统震后建筑进度BIM估计模型,未考虑精益管理对建筑施工的影响,造成建筑成本浪费较多,影响后期建筑施工进度。本文构建基于BIM和精益管理的震后建筑进度评估模型,根据模型细分震后建筑进度评估过程,在此基础上根据BIM实施三维算量,采用进度计划编制子模型获取各分项工程量,确定建筑施工的主要进度计划,实现对建筑进度计划的编制;通过虚拟施工和现实施工两条主线,利用进度控制子模型实现对施工状态的模拟和精益管理。以此为基础,进行挣值分析比较计划施工成本、实际施工成本和挣值曲线,获取震后建筑的施工进度与成本情况。实验结果说明,本文构建的模型可对震后建筑进度和工程成本进行精准估计,能够减少成本浪费。  相似文献   
位于中国和尼泊尔边境的西藏樟木口岸是国家一类陆路通商口岸,也是西藏最大的边贸中心口岸。2015年尼泊尔大地震之后,西藏樟木口岸因多次发生滑坡灾害,而导致口岸关闭。为了调查樟木口岸区域滑坡灾害的分布和变形情况及更好的服务于区域减灾防灾,利用InSAR技术对覆盖该区域的Sentinel-1A和ALOS-2两种卫星影像数据进行了处理,并通过分析视线向年均形变速率图,圈定了17处疑似滑坡,并对其中的5处典型滑坡进行时间序列形变特征分析,监测识别出的滑坡基本沿318国道所在一侧的波曲河左岸分布。InSAR调查结果表明受地震影响樟木地区的滑坡多分布在沿波曲河左岸的陡峭山体上,中尼公路迪斯岗至友谊桥段的古滑坡出现了局部复活的现象,同时樟木镇居民所在的城区也发育有扎美拉山危岩体崩塌滑坡灾害。   相似文献   
FY-3D/MERSI-II全球火点监测产品及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑伟  陈洁  闫华  刘诚  唐世浩 《遥感学报》2020,24(5):521-530
FY-3D/MERSI-II全球火点监测产品主要包括全球范围内的火点位置、亚像元火点面积和火点强度等信息,可用于实时监测全球范围的森林草原火灾、秸秆焚烧等生物质燃烧状况。火点判识算法主要根据中红外通道对高温热源的敏感特性,即含有火点的中红外通道像元辐亮度和亮温较远红外通道的辐亮度和亮温偏高,同时较周边非火点的中红外像元偏高,建立合适的阈值可探测含有火点的像元。亚像元火点面积估算主要使用中红外单通道估算,根据亚像元火点面积估算结果对火点强度进行分级,不同的级别表示不同程度的火点辐射强度。基于全球火点自动判识结果,每日生成0.01°分辨率的卫星遥感日全球火点产品,每月生产0.25°×0.25°格点的全球月火点密度图。在利用FY-3D/MERSI-II火点产品开展的全球火点监测应用中,对多起全球重大野火事件进行了监测,为防灾减灾、全球气候变化研究、生态环境保护等方面提供卫星遥感信息支持。  相似文献   
赵晓旭 《测绘通报》2020,(5):101-106
城市层面的火灾风险评估主要包括火灾危险性、危害性及救援能力等方面。本文选取火灾危险性评估进行针对性研究,在大数据思维的指导下,以相关关系代替因果关系,采用多源数据对评估指标权重、分值进行率定,得出福州市城区火灾危险性时空分布图。首先利用高德地图API对消防历史出警记录进行地址解析,将近万条火灾出警地址空间落点,获得福州市历史火灾空间分布;然后综合城市用地性质现状、用地开发性质、人口分布热力图等多源异构数据,探索其与历史火灾空间分布的相关性;最后以福州城区为例,初步实现具有充分数理支撑的火灾危险性评估方法,形成火灾危险性动态评估成果,为城市消防规划等提供支撑和依据。  相似文献   
徐刚  杨立博  裴政皓  陈杰 《测绘通报》2019,(8):121-124,157
我国城镇化进程和经济发展效果卓著,但消防建设规划与城市扩张发展之间并不协调。虽然现有研究已经运用GIS技术到消防安全监管当中,但依然存在信息联动性不强,可视化程度低的问题。为此,本文基于地理信息系统技术对城市开发区内地理信息数据、多源多时态遥感及航空影像、巡查数据、出租房数据等进行有效整合完善,以建立时空地理信息大数据。笔者利用虚拟化、云计算等技术建立出租房消防安全动态监管平台。此平台为管理部门提供了基于地理信息的决策支持,提升了出租房管理的高效性和科学性。系统的建成和应用对我国的出租房管理信息化工作的开展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Wildfires are widely reviewed as key inputs to Mediterranean ecosystems. However, research is often flawed by major biases. (1) The approach adopted by most planners focusing on forest fires dismisses the human dimension of fire as a component of agricultural production systems. (2) The Wildland–Urban Interface (WUI) concept postulates that cities and wildlands/wildfires are, and should remain, worlds apart, a statement whose truth is increasingly questioned by recent disastrous “urban wildfires”. (3) The Mediterranean Basin as a fire-prone area is all the more fantasized, as it is almost never studied as a whole.The present paper takes a critical view of city–wildland/wildfire interrelationships through a large-scale study of the Mediterranean Basin based on MODIS MCD12Q1 (Land Cover Type) and MCD45A1 (Burned Area Product) data collected between 2001 and 2013. The Mediterranean is an ideal place to investigate, as its human-dominated and urbanized landscapes are known to be extremely vulnerable to fire hazards. Data processing reveals that (wild)fires and cities maintain indissoluble ties, as if both elements could not be considered mutually exclusive on a geographical basis. Urban sprawl, reduced rural autonomies, changes in forest covers, old agricultural practices, and military conflicts provide the framework for an extended mitigation process challenging the WUI concept as a space divider.  相似文献   
The past several decades have witnessed a significant expansion of mining activities in the Athabasca oil sands region, raising concerns about their impact on the surrounding boreal forest ecosystem. To better understand the extent to which distal sites are impacted by oil sands-derived airborne contaminants, we examine sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments and dated sediment cores from Saskatchewan lakes situated ∼100–220 km east–northeast of the main area of bitumen mining activities. The concentrations and fluxes of both parent and alkylated PAHs are low and show considerable variability over the past 70–100 years. Small yet discernible increases in PAH concentrations and fluxes occurred over the past 30 years, a trend which coincides with the rapid growth in bitumen production. However, several lines of evidence point to wildfires as the principal source of PAHs to these lakes: (1) the significant co-variations in most cores between retene (1-methyl-7-isopropyl phenanthrene) and other groups of parent and alkylated PAHs, (2) the similarity in compound specific δ13C signatures of the parent PAHs phenanthrene and pyrene in recently deposited surficial sediments and those corresponding to time intervals considerably pre-dating the large scale development of the oil sands and (3) the discernible up-core increases in the proportion of refractory carbon (i.e., char) in Rock-Eval 6 data. The collective evidence points to softwood combustion from boreal forest fires as the principal source of retene in sediments and the general increase in forest fire activity in this region over the past several decades as the source of refractory carbon. Mining activities associated with the Athabasca oil sands are thus not considered a major source of PAHs to these lakes.  相似文献   
Coal fires in natural outcrops, in abandoned and active coal mines, and in coal and coal-refuse piles are responsible for the uncontrolled emissions of gases, including CO, CO2, H2S, hydrocarbons, and volatile aromatics. Typically, measurements of gases at a mine vent are made over a short time interval, perhaps no more than 10 min, including the time for replicate measurements. Such timing provides little information on longer-term variations in emissions, although comparisons of seasonal measurements suggest such changes do occur. To address this problem, we placed temperature and CO data loggers in coal fire vents to collect time series measurements for a period of up to three weeks. For one experiment, 11 days of data at one-minute intervals indicated that the CO emissions were generally in the 400–550 ppmv range. However near daily depressions in CO concentrations occurred and in some cases fell below 50 ppmv; followed by an increase to ~ 700–800 ppmv; in turn followed by a return to the ambient conditions. Data for a separate 21-day collection period in a different vent of the same fire exhibited similar trends, albeit at a higher CO concentration. The drop in CO concentration may be associated with a meteorologically-driven inhalation cycle of the fire, whereby air diluted the combustion generated CO. We propose this was followed by an increase in the intensity of the fire due to increased O2 from the inhaled air, producing increased CO concentrations, before settling back to the ambient conditions.  相似文献   
丁蓬莱  王霆  张巍 《地震学刊》2011,(1):63-67,84
提出了分布式光纤温度传感系统(DTS)时空温度场小波分析方法,完成了监测系统报警算法的设计;应用该算法,对隧道内弱风和强风条件下的模拟实验隧道火灾时空温度场进行了瞬态识别;基于隧道温度场监测数据时空矩阵的提取,对隧道的温度场变化规律做出了分析,并选取Ribo3.7小波基成功识别出隧道火灾时空温度场的奇异点。实验结果表明,基于小波分析定位隧道时空温度场奇异点是一种有效的隧道火灾报警方法。  相似文献   
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